Castle Hill Hospital

9th March 2017
Grading Explained: Requires Improvement

We completed a comprehensive inspection of the trust from the 28 June to the 1 July 2016 which included a review of progress made on the previous inspections in May 2015 and February 2014. The trust has been inspected a number of times previously and a summary of the regulatory breaches is provided below.

The inspection in May 2015 was a focused inspection which did not look across the whole service provision; but focused on the areas defined by the information that triggered the need for the focused inspection including the previous inspection in February 2014. Therefore not all of the five domains: safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led were reviewed for each of the core services inspected. At CHH we inspected domains in surgery together with outpatients and diagnostic services. The overall rating for CHH and the Trust was Requires Improvement. The Trust was found in breach of the Health and Social Care Act (Regulated Activities) regulations 2014. These included: Regulation 10 (Dignity and respect), Regulation 11 (Need for consent), Regulation 12 (Safe care and treatment), Regulation 14 (Meeting nutritional and hydration needs), and Regulation 16 (Receiving and acting on complaints), Regulation 17 (Good governance) and Regulation 18 (Staffing).