Peninsula Community Health C.I.C.

29th April 2015
Grading Explained: Good

When aggregating ratings, our inspection teams follow a set of principles to ensure consistent decisions. The principles will normally apply but will be balanced by inspection teams using their discretion and professional judgement in the light of all of the available evidence.

We judged this provider to be providing good safe, effective, caring and responsive services that were well led. The organisation was operating in a unique setting as a community interest company delivering NHS services and operating at the heart of a wider NHS system that is challenged in terms of demand and performance. It was unique in having been set up in a way that left it with historical debt and risks that had not been mitigated. It had been formed in the teeth of opposition from the public and staff. There is also some uncertainty over the future with the current contract due to finish in March 2016. These challenges were being met. The leadership team was highly visible and trusted and were managing the significant risks and uncertainties in a measured way that protected the organisation and enabled staff to concentrate on delivering and developing services.

The organisation had a vibrant positive culture and a palpable “can do” attitude that existed at all levels and

was recognised by external partners. Staff talked of a transformed culture and this had been externally recognised with the organisation being recognised by the Health Service Journal (HSJ) Best Places to Work awards. Staff were encouraged to be open and report and learn from incidents and near misses. Services had been developed and shaped by staff and some innovations had been recognised nationally, including the development of nutritional and hydration aids for patients. Patients and their families spoke highly of the services received and the team saw examples of outstanding care where staff had gone the extra mile to ensure patients received the care that they needed.

There were some areas for improvement that have been identified in individual reports. There was one service where requirements in aspect of leadership were needed and one service requiring improvement in safety. There are some areas to improve at corporate level but given the way challenges are being met and managed and the quality and safety of services that are being delivered the organisation has been judged as being good overall.