Building Resilience


HEFMA's 2018 Leadership Forum is being hosted by the SW Branch and the theme is 'Resilience - Bend or Break'.


To be resilient means to be flexible; it also means to be tough. Both of these meanings apply to qualities that are necessary for today's NHS - and the people working within it. The Oxford English Dictionary defines resilience in relation to an object as "capable of regaining its original shape or position after bending, stretching or other deformation; elastic." In relation to a person the definition changes slightly to "recovering easily and quickly from illness or hardship."


Adrian Eggleton, Chair of the HEFMA SW Branch explains the reasons for the choice of the theme. "Resilience is woven deeply into everything we do," he says. "As I sit here trying to juggle my day-to-day operational role (local resilience) with my involvement in two STPs across five commissioners and two OPE regions (regional resilience) I pause for breath, kick up a gear and press on - I’m personally resilient aren’t I? Maybe? Maybe not?


"This year we hope to give you case studies, tools and inspiration to build Resilience at all levels; and some excellent networking opportunities."


It promises to be a fantastic event. Click here for more details and to book your place.



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