CQC hosts webinar to outline ICS assessment approach


The Health and Care Act 2022 gives CQC (Care Quality Commission) powers to assess whether Integrated Care Systems (ICS) are meeting the needs of their local populations. These new powers are expected to start this month (April). They will enable CQC to understand how ICSs are working to tackle health inequalities and improve outcomes for people. This work will also provide independent and meaningful assurance to the public of the quality of care in their area.

A one-hour webinar is to be hosted by CQC on Monday, April 17 at 10am. It will be an opportunity for providers and professionals who work in health and social care services, organisations who represent them, other stakeholders, local authorities, ICSs and stakeholders that represent the public to hear about the CQC approach to assessment and what it means for them.

The webinar will be led by Amanda Williams, CQC Interim Director of integration, inequalities and improvement. There will be a presentation and time to answer any questions through live chat.

The event is free to attend. Reserve a place by filling out the registration form

Registrations will close at 8am on Monday, April 17. 

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