A short survey on Hospital Helipad Landing Sites (HHLSs) was launched on November 8 by NHS England's national Estates & Facilities team. This followed a recent national webinar on the issue. The recording and other background material is available from the NHS Estates Collaboration Hub.
The purpose of this survey is to establish the basic information we need to understand the provision of HHLSs in the NHS. This will help us to understand how these sites are managed as well as the actions (if any) required centrally to support the delivery of a policy in this area. The information provided will also enable us to quantify any estates related risks.
You can access the survey (and associated guidance) from the following link: HHLS Data Collection
The survey runs until November 30. We would like to thank those E&F teams which have already completed the survey. If there are any queries regarding completion of the survey then please e-mail: [email protected] marked for the attention of Michael Bellas and Chetan Tailor.