Inspiring hospital caterers to buy British


Love British Food has produced and released a new film to inspire catering managers, procurement teams and Trust CEOs to consider the connection between how food is produced and its contribution to patient outcomes. 

The film was shot on-site during the ninth farm visit for NHS caterers through the Love British Food Hospitals and Care Catering Working Group, to the Holkham Estate in Norfolk.  

This special visit, to one of Britain’s largest, historic country estates, and the largest privately owned nature reserve, took place by kind permission of The Earl of Leicester and was hosted by Jake Fiennes, Director of Conservation. The Holkham Estate leads the way in delivering exceptional food production, together with pioneering conservation, and is focused on soil health, connecting habitats, enhancing the environment, developing science-led innovations and making operations leaner and greener. Jake Fiennes is himself one of Britain’s best-known conservationists, renowned for his knowledge on restoring flora and fauna to the British countryside. 

Alexia Robinson, founder and CEO of Love British Food ways: “We know it is not enough to ask catering teams to buy British. We need to explain why. The aim of these farm visits has been to enthuse catering teams to see ‘buying British’ as a ‘carrot’ rather than a ‘Buying Standards stick’ as I fear the perpetually consulted upon New Government Buying Standards make it sound.  

“I genuinely believe these visits have created excitement about buying British in NHS catering teams. Together with the farmers who have hosted the visits with me, we have answered the question ‘Why buy British’ and explained how doing so contributes to patient outcomes, sustainability, net zero goals and Trusts’ role as anchor institutions for supporting their community.  Love British Food has inspired caterers to think about the connection between how food is produced and its nutritional value.”

The short film encompasses some of this philosophy, and included feedback from some of those who attended the Holkham Estate visit.

Alexia continues: “My yardstick of success is the comments of those who have attended the farm visits…’inspired, informed and empowered’ would be how I would summarise what they have all said.  I think the debate about the public sector buying 50% British food and how it is defined is a fruitless exercise … round and round in circles we and the new Ministerial team will go as we have done for more than a decade. I believe to my core that there is a better way… inspiring, empowering and enabling catering teams, food service organisations and suppliers rather than issuing diktats.”

Love British Food has now hosted 43 hospitals from 36 NHS Trusts on farm visits; eight in England, one in Wales and one in N. Ireland. 193 people have attended the visits and the message from them has reached many more as catering managers have gone back into their Trusts to discuss the importance and role of British sourcing with their dietitians and procurement leads.

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