NHS at 75 photography competition


Staff and volunteers from across all sectors of the NHS are being invited to share their stories of the health service in a photography competition to mark the 75-year anniversary of the NHS on July 5, 2023.

The competition has been announced by NHS England, in partnership with Fujifilm, and people of all levels of skill with a camera – or smartphone – are invited to take part. The only criteria is to be creative.

There are five categories:

• Our People

• Our Innovations

• Our Environment

• Our Care

• Our Partners

A shortlist of 15 photographs will be selected from each category, from which a panel of experts will select the winning entry. The judging panel comprises This Morning’s resident GP Dr Ellie, award-winning journalist Victoria Macdonald, photographer Lewis Khan, Dr Habib Naqvi MBE, Fujifilm’s Theo Georghiades and Chief Nursing Officer for England, Dame Ruth May. 

All of the shortlisted photographs will be on display at an exhibition at the FUJIFILM House of Photography in London. Category winners plus a guest will be invited to the exhibition launch at a high-profile event in central London on July 4, and to the official 75-year birthday service for the NHS at Westminster Abbey on July 5. 

More information on the categories and to enter available here. Note that entry requires an NHS email address.

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