NHS Improvement has issued an Estates and Facilities Alert (‘Reporting of Defects and Failures’).
The alert is a reminder that reporting estates-related incidents affecting the safety of patients and the continuity of services is part of the statutory responsibilities of NHS healthcare providers. Safety incident reporting is also a requirement of Health & Safety Legislation.
All NHS healthcare providers should report defects and failures involving engineering plant, infrastructure and non-medical devices to NHS Improvement’s NHS Estates and Facilities Efficiency & Productivity Division. Defects and Failures should be reported online through the EFM information system’s Defects & Failures module. Click here.
HEFMA urges all members to comply with these responsibilities in the interests of sharing best practice; once reported all information is shared via the Central Alerting System (CAS) to help other providers to learn from incidents and prevent recurrence.
Furthermore, all Estates and Facilities alerts issued via CAS should be disseminated to the relevant people across each organisation to ensure senior stakeholders at all levels are engaged and involved, thus ensuring the appropriate action is undertaken as required.
The alert is accompanied by a guidance document for more information.
Action required by the alert should be underway by June 6, 2018.
Action required by the alert should be completed by July 4, 2018.
A copy of the alert can be found here.