No more sticking plasters


A new report from NHS Providers (No More Sticking Plasters: Repairing and Transforming the NHS Estate) highlights the significant and wide-ranging benefits of investment in health infrastructure, and sets out the case for appropriate capital funding to bring long neglected parts of the NHS estate into the 21st century for the benefit of patients and staff.

Dilapidated and deteriorating estate is not only a risk to patient safety but it also hinders the ability of the NHS to improve productivity, to make progress on sustainability targets, to recover elective and emergency care, and to fulfil its responsibilities and potential as an anchor institution.  

The report concludes that following 10 years of under-investment, NHS Trusts now need “major” operational capital investment to drive long overdue improvements to service capacity, productivity, the safety and experience of patients and staff, and to prevent the further deterioration of the NHS estate.

“Giving Trusts access to adequate strategic capital will deliver the transformation needed to improve patient flow and deliver integrated, high-quality care across the whole system. This requires full consideration of the needs across the acute, ambulance, mental health and community sectors.”

NHS Providers reiterates the Public Accounts Committee’s recommendation that the Department of Health and Social Care must publish a long-term capital strategy.

Read the full report here.

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