Nominations open for Our Health Heroes Awards


Delivered by Skills for Health, nominations are now open for the 2023 Our Health Heroes Awards, which celebrate the wider healthcare workforce that supports NHS doctors and nurses on the front line.

Supported by Health Education England, NHS Employers and UNISON, this, the seventh year of these awards, see the introduction of a new category: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champion.

Designed to recognise the efforts of teams and employers supporting equality, diversity and inclusion within their workforce, the EDI Champion award will honour those who have demonstrated a clear, significant, and sustainable improvement in tackling inclusion and diversity challenges.

In addition to the new award, Skills for Health is inviting nominations from across the following categories:



Individual awards

• Clinical Support Worker of the Year

• Operational Support Worker of the Year - sponsored by UNISON

• Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Healthcare - sponsored by NHS Employers

• Apprentice of the Year - sponsored by UNISON


Team awards

• NHS Improvement through Digital Innovation

• Dedication to a Lifelong Learning Culture - sponsored by SFJ Awards

• Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champion 

• Best Integrated Care Workforce Programme

• Best Health and Care Initiative by a UK Charity

• Best Emergency Services Collaboration

• Best Healthcare Initiative in a Community or Criminal Justice Setting


Shortly after nominations close on February 20, a public vote will open to decide the gold, silver and bronze award winners in each of the four individual award categories. The results of the vote and overall winners of the team awards will then be announced at a glittering ceremony held at the QEII Centre in London on June 7.

John Rogers, Chief Executive of Skills for Health, which delivers Our Health Heroes Awards, comments: “Without the wider healthcare workforce that Our Health Heroes aims to recognise and celebrate our NHS would grind to a halt. Now more than ever, it is important to raise awareness of the valuable contribution that these inspirational teams and individuals make to the health of the nation and to thank them publicly for the sacrifices they make.” 

UNISON’s Head of Health, Sara Gorton, says: “The dedication, expertise and hard work of all NHS staff must be recognised, particularly at a time of such immense pressure on the health service. The Our Health Heroes Awards shine a light on the vital work of the entire healthcare team - cleaners, porters, security staff, receptionists, medical secretaries and many more - without whom the NHS simply couldn’t function.”

Daniel Mortimer, Chief Executive of NHS Employers, adds: “It is especially important to recognise the amazing work of healthcare workers in these challenging times for the system and to ensure we celebrate all the amazing people who work across the health service going above and beyond every day for patients and their colleagues.

“These awards offer a great opportunity to show our appreciation for the truly incredible people whose contribution and dedication makes such a huge difference every day.”

To make a nomination visit:   

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