Plant-based menus by default


A coalition of NHS health professionals and other supporting organisations are calling on the NHS to make plant-based the primary option on food menus, without restricting choice. 

Plants First Healthcare is leading the campaign and has written an open letter to all NHS hospital Trusts, Integrated Care Boards, other healthcare organisations and the Department of Health, across the four nations, asking them to commit to menus that make plant-based the norm to promote a healthier and more sustainable food environment for patients and staff. The letter has been signed by more than 1,000 health professionals, 

Plants First Healthcare points out the growing evidence that shifting towards a plant-predominant food system can significantly improve national health outcomes, address health inequalities and is essential for meeting climate and nature targets. There is also growing evidence that it could reduce costs for the NHS. The campaign suggests that the approach should incentivise plant-based meals as the primary menu option, whilst still offering meat and other animal products.

Health benefits of eating more fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes include reducing the prevalence of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity and certain cancers. Plant-based shifts also help the food system to be more sustainable, typically using less land, having a lower impact on biodiversity and reducing greenhouse gases. Additional negative impacts of industrial animal practices include their association with the rise of antibiotic resistant infections, the development of zoonotic diseases with pandemic potential, and increases in particulate air pollution and ground level ozone.



Plants First Healthcare believes healthcare institutions have the opportunity to lead the food system transformation that is needed within wider society. It quotes a successful example of the transition made by 11 hospitals in New York City in 2022 as a successful precedent. The move to a ‘plant-based by default’ menu, with support from doctors and dietitians, has achieved remarkable results. More than 50% of patients in those hospitals have chosen plant-based meals and more than 90% were satisfied with their meal. Food-related emissions have reduced by 36%, and financial savings of up to 59 cents (46 pence) per meal have been achieved. 

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