With a theme of Managing the Best Patient Outcome, HEFMA's 2022 Leadership Forum will take place on May 12 & 13, with an ice-breaker dinner on the evening of May 11, at the DoubleTree Hilton, Stadium MK in Milton Keynes.
The full programme is now available and bookings are being taken here.
Managing the best patient outcome is what everyone working within NHS estates and facilities does every day of their working life. Over the last two years, the way the estate is managed and patient services provided have both had to flex and change. It will have to continue doing so as the health service tackles the massive, Covid-related elective care backlog, continues its journey to net zero carbon and implements new standards and guidance, for instance in ventilation, cleaning and food. All of this with an exhausted and often depleted workforce.
The programme for the 2022 HEFMA Forum reflects all of these challenges, with sessions focusing on personal resilience, integrated care, sustainability, the workforce, new standards, and an update on the latest policies and work programmes that are emerging from NHS England and NHS Improvement.
For a full preview of the event, see the March/April issue of HEFMA Pulse magazine. Full details of the programme, speakers and delegate packages are available here.
Programme announced for HEFMA's 2022 Leadership Forum

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