Sustainable Healthcare Dashboard to support key Long Term Plan targets


The Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) is finalising development of the Sustainable Healthcare Dashboard and sharing it for beta testing. The Dashboard highlights key opportunities for change within the NHS, which will contribute to the sustainability targets of the Long Term Plan.


The SDU will be working with system leaders to develop the most helpful and productive reporting format to provide bespoke reports for each region and STP/ICS, using data from the Dashboard, with the intention of sharing the data and reports in early Autumn. It is also seeking to engage with senior Regional, STP/ICS and Provider leaders to co-produce the report structure. Anyone willing to volunteer to help develop the reports is invited to contact SDU (details below). 


The Excel Dashboard will enable the identification of good performance and highlight opportunities for improvement, estimating the size of opportunity to help organisations focus their efforts. The indicators chosen to support change within the Dashboard directly relate to those within the NHS Long Term Plan targets and objectives, demonstrating the system's mandate and responsibility to act and drive improvement.


The Dashboard is intended for use at all levels, and data will be aggregated to support this; regionally by leadership in both NHS regions and PHE centres, by STP leaders and by individual organisational level leaders. Outcomes will support STP level strategic planning and organisations developing SDMP action plans.


The opportunity savings provided will be indicative and based on comparing performance across other similar organisations by their type, with suggested savings (financial and carbon). The reports may reference case studies, best practice and the conditions for success from leaders within the system to support greater scale and spread.


If you would like to be part of the cohort to beta test and explore the Dashboard’s data during June and July 2019, please contact the SDU via: [email protected].

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