Take action against asbestos 


The HSE has announced a one-day course on asbestos management in non-domestic premises. 


Asbestos can be found in any building built before the year 2000 and causes around 5000 deaths every year.


When materials that contain asbestos are disturbed or damaged, fibres are released into the air. If inhaled these can cause serious diseases including mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer.


The Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR 2012) place a duty to manage asbestos on anyone who has control over the maintenance and repair of non-domestic premises (i.e. any workplace that may contain asbestos).

HSE's one-day CPD-certified course 'Asbestos – Managing asbestos in domestic* and non-domestic premises' will provide the knowledge necessary to manage asbestos to the standards required by CAR 2012.


Topics covered will include: the health effects of asbestos; duty holders' responsibilities; relevant legislation and guidance; and assessing asbestos risks and formulating a management plan. 


This course is aimed at anyone with duties under Regulation 4 of CAR 2012 - Management of Asbestos in Non-Domestic Premises, e.g. employers, self-employed people and building owners who are responsible for the repair or maintenance of non-domestic premises or access to them.


'Asbestos – Managing asbestos in domestic* and non-domestic premises' will run on Thursday 7 February 7, 2019 at HSE's laboratory near Buxton, Derbyshire. The course costs £495 per person. Bookings can be made online here.


* Domestic refers to landlords of domestic premises and not to people in their own homes.

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