Trusts reminded of the need to boost cyber resilience in move to Windows 10


NHS Trusts are being reminded to sign up for their free Windows 10 licences by the end of September. In April, the Department for Health and Social Care announced an agreement with Microsoft that will provide centralised Windows 10 E5 licensing for NHS Trusts in an effort to further build cyber resilience across the NHS.


There are one million free licences available on a 'first come first served' basis with a completed service agreement. Migration needs to be completed by 14th January 2020 when Windows 7 goes out of support. Windows ATP must be deployed by December 2018.


Scott Dodds is CEO of Ultima, the modern infrastructure and automation services provider that has issued the reminder. He says: “More than a third of NHS Trusts in the UK were disrupted by the WannaCry ransomware attack last year* which led to the cancellation of 6,900 appointments. The reason the Department of Health is moving all NHS Trusts to Windows 10 is that it includes security features that will protect them against the ever-changing landscape of malicious activity. A key component of this, included in the NHS deal, is Windows Defender ATP, which provides detection, investigation and a fully automated response, and allows for swift and immediate action against any threats.”


“There are only a limited number of licences available so if you haven’t already signed up it needs to be done now. The alternative is buying your own licences at a later date. It’s important to take action now as it will take time to plan for the roll-out of the new operating system – which will go more smoothly with proper planning.” 


If you haven’t signed-up yet, email [email protected] to start the process. Further information on the sign-up process and technology can also be found here.


*National Audit Office 2018

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