New Every Mind Matters campaign encourages public to get physical


This week (May 15 – 22, 2023) is Mental Health Awareness Week, and celebrities and medical experts, including BAFTA award-winning comedian Tom Davis, NHS doctor Dr Ranj Singh and leading psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos are supporting a new government campaign to boost mental health.

Better Health – Every Mind Matters from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) will encourage the nation to make the first move for their mental health and get active.

New research has revealed that three-quarters (75%) of adults surveyed report feeling anxious, but less than half (45%) are aware that physical activity is proven to reduce symptoms of anxiety.

With almost one in 5 not doing any form of physical activity (19%), the research also revealed that not feeling motivated (41%), not enjoying physical activity (25%), and not having enough free time (19%) were the top barriers to getting active. Only 13% of people are aware of the NHS-recommended 150 minutes of physical activity per week. However, those who do regular physical activity report that it helps to boost their mood (68%), confidence (61%) and relieve anxious feelings (61%).

This campaign is the latest action being taken by the government to improve people’s mental health. Last year, the draft Mental Health Bill was published, intended to modernise the Mental Health Act so that it’s fit for the 21st century and better supports people with serious mental illness. The government has committed to publishing a major conditions strategy to tackle conditions that contribute most to morbidity and mortality across the population in England, including mental ill health.

In support of the campaign, Tom Davis and Dr Ranj Singh open up about their own mental health and discuss how they deal with anxious thoughts in a new film: Physical activity to manage anxiety.

Delivered by OHID, the Better Health - Every Mind Matters campaign offers NHS-approved tips and advice to help people manage their anxiety, including links to free NHS apps, such as Couch to 5K and Active 10, that will help them make the first move.

The Better Health - Every Mind Matters website also gives people the opportunity to sign up to anxiety-easing emails, offering expert advice to help them stay on top of their mental wellbeing and show them how to make these new steps part of their routine.

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